5 levels with power gains from 40-120 horsepower.
Edge Dash Pod for CS/CTS & CS2/CTS2 2006-2009 Dodge Ram
4 Power levels adding up to 150HP Depending on vehicle
6 Power levels adding up to 180HP
98.5-16 Dodge 5.9L and 6.7L
6 power levels adding up to 150HP
Pillar Mount for Edge Insight and Juice with Attitude CS2, CTS2,
Edge CS2 Juice With Attitude Monitor 99-03 Ford 7.3L
Full Color, High Resolution, 5" Touch Screen
Insight is the #1 preferred digital gauge monitor in the market today, used by daily drivers and enthusiasts everywhere.
Evolution CS2 Combo Kit
Edge Revolver 7.3L Performance Switch Chip
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